Sunday, December 29, 2019

Ethical Issues - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 5 Words: 1432 Downloads: 2 Date added: 2018/12/14 Category Ethics Essay Type Case study Level High school Did you like this example? Ethical issues in the article The article with the most relevant example of George Zimmermans has raised the ethical vices by the White people, to either those citizens who originated from Africa or those who are American-Africans. It has pointed out the negative ethics directed to them. Also, humanity ethics are evident in the article where love is portrayed regardless of the condition. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Ethical Issues" essay for you Create order The Americans to start with undermines the existence of the black people and see them as primitive beings. To them, the American-Africans are supposed just to die. This shows the negative image that the Americans have for the half black Americans and the blacks in general, but they still stay together in the same state. George Zimmerman, a subject in the article and known for inhuman nature as he murdered Trayvon Martin, a 17-year-old boy due to his condition of having a disease and never submitted to the authority. Even after being sued, no action was taken against his awful act. Its in this occurrence that we witness the intensity of victimization even from the authority that should safeguard humans welfare, regardless of the race. This has moved to the point that even the black mothers fear that wherever they get a baby, it will be victimized by being seen as naturally aggressive, defiant and resistant to the authority. On the contrary, the black mothers are human, dont take chances to develop hatred or be against themselves. The persona, for instance, took good care of the son regardless of his condition of being hated by the Americans and loved him at all times. Relationship of George case with the article George is a clear example of the inhuman nature of the Americans to the black Africans. He kills Trayvon Martins, and he is acquitted from the murder case, he is a threat to many Black Americans as they are frightened that a similar occurrence by George of Killing a clack boy may happen to them later or after they give birth to Males. Initially, she regrets having her son at 36, where he could have probably born a girl instead. George has also brought about the factor of racial discrimination up to the level of the legal arms. Consequently, Trayvon family did not get justice for the murder of their son but rather the case was thrown away. It also relates to the fact that George murdered the black boy because he did not submit to the imagined authority. Concerning that occurrence, the personas 5-year-old boy is diagnosed with three diseases, and this makes the situation hard to submit to the authorities George is an enemy of the black people. He represents another majority who has perspectives that are similar to him we see a man who is inhuman, a man who creates fear to the black people and his continued existence frighten the life of many. He is a bad example of what the roles of the authority should not be. He is a police officer and being equipped to maintain peace and security, negatively uses the jurisdiction. He is used to as a discriminative being, a racist and a person should not be walking along with the rest of the public. What ethics are? Ethics are the moral codes or principles that influence the decisions of a person towards a certain ethical dilemma. The good individuals who in the society who opt to deviate from the rest societal inhuman moral codes are hence considered to be of good ethics. They, therefore, show care in service and respect eachs interests regardless of issues considered to be unacceptable by the others. In states like the America, the majority of the white Americans have negative conducts towards the black who still live in their state. However, there is a special group who in turn considers high standard morals are hence considered to ethically upright. What ethics are not? These are simply the ethics that does not value a sense of humanity. Ethics are considered as not when one executes a behavior that is unacceptable to the victim who is the recipient of the service. The best way to distinguish between ethics and non-ethics is when the action on the other individual leaves them embarrassed, and are either mentally or physically hurt. However, to some, some moral principles however negative are considered to be acceptable whereas they are a violation of humans dignity. Importance of ethics in human service Ethics are core in human service because they help us in making the best choices of life. One would not hurt the other when they have taken into consideration, the impact of choice they are making. Ethics are also important because they help people respect one another as God equally creates us as humans (West, 2006).? People maintain highest levels of ethical behaviors so as not to hurt another, either physically or emotionally. If George, for instance, had considered of ethical matters, he would not have killed the black boy; he would have not the family of the diseased. Almost every aspect of life would fail if ethics were not put into consideration. The world would have been even worse than it is today. In business, for instance, there would be no prosperity if there were no business ethics. Humans in their service to others should, therefore, learn to respect others with the aim of achieving a better flowing life without anyone being a threat to the other. Application of ethics in human service We apply our code of ethical standards to the others through promoting of respect, confidentiality, negotiation and recognition of clients right, Gail Semmoms. We should portray our high standard of ethics codes through most of all, respect. This gives the client a motive of wanting to be served by such a respectful person which keeps a long-lasting bond. (Arnett, 2012).? Also, by understanding their dignity, it leaves them to enjoy the quality of service you offer. In the article, for instance, the persona takes good care of the son regardless of victimization by the majority. She even hires a specialist to the keep him in the highest standards possible, as a normal human. What are the ethical dilemmas? In Ethical dilemmas, a choice has to be made in the place of two options and the one chosen has to be acceptable to the people. It is assumed that the chooser will opt to go on the side of the current societys norm, believes and religion to make it the opted choice ethically impossible. For instance, in our article, George killed the boy since he had not reported to the authority. Here, one has to establish the best way in which he will handle a certain situation. How are acts determined to be moral? Paul and Minneapolis in their article bring into perspective that morals consist of three elements which are simplified as what we do, why we do that, and the concrete circumstance where we perform it. Some of the acts are usually wrong as they are against the basic human good and can never be compensated. Therefore, for one to be considered as ethically valued, they tend to have to have good intentions on the other for a good intention cannot do evil. A moral act should not be a threat to anyones life, or integrity and well-being. Application of this article to human service Ethics defines who we are, what we should do and what we should not. These core standards determine the quality of standards of living that we lead while we are amongst other people, may it be in our homes, in business and the society at large. One should, before engaging in a certain behavior evaluate the quality of acts that will determine their morals, whether they will be acceptable to the other individual or not (Bazerman Gino, 2012). This mostly comes in where there is an ethical dilemma, and one has chosen the best way to handle a certain situation. The woman who is the main character in the story portrays the quality of service one should offer to other humans regardless of the situation. On the other hand, George is the best example of people that we should not have in our daily life situation. References Arnett, R. C. (2012).? Communication ethics in dark times: Hannah Arendts rhetoric of warning and hope. SIU Press. Bazerman, M. H., Gino, F. (2012). Behavioral ethics: Toward a deeper understanding of moral judgment and dishonesty.? Annual Review of Law and Social Science,? 8, 85-104. West, T. C. (2006).? Disruptive Christian Ethics: When Racism and Womens Lives Matter. Westminster John Knox Press.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Definition Of Criminal Behavior And Law - 1462 Words

The actus rea involves offenses, and determined to obligate the action, or mens rea. Actus rea and mens rea ought to be established in order to find an individual guilty of obligating a crime. Strict liability offenses are transpired by the disadvantaged of the obligation of the mens rea. Strict liability is crimes in which the offender does not have a purpose to breach a strict liability law neither does they have the awareness of the lawful position of the exact strict liability offense. This paper will use two scholarly articles to discuss the critical analysis of expanding the concept of criminal behavior and law (strict liability). The first article in discussion is â€Å"Expanding Criminal Laws by Predating Criminal Responsibility:†¦show more content†¦The comprehension of behavior of simple theoretical risks as criminal crimes drives practical criminal law into the elegant domain of averting the commission of crimes and punishing the criminal for producing hypothetic al danger. Criminal law functions prospectively. Practical criminal laws need to control an exact material substance, in order to ring fence developments. As implied by Bernd Schà ¼nemann such substance is developed from determining the real condition needing security of the lawful interest; determining that security will not hinder the permitted rights of the performer; respecting legal values, especially the value of clearness and certainty, in explaining the crime of abstract endangerment clearly and with confidence; and reflecting whether the suggested wrong is related to the suggested punishment. Criminal law wants control, particularly if offender duty is preceded to initial phases of development and provision. The advantage rests in linking both: to verify the substance of a criminal law to its proportionality but also to whether it hinders the main area of confidentiality. This indicates that the law should be comparable to the actual safety danger and to accept midpoints of individual fundamental rights and freedom rights. Criminal law can advance as the strength of democracies in the current form of diverse societies, in which part knowledgeable standards appear to be random.Show MoreRelatedDifferential Association Theory By Edwin H. Sutherland969 Words   |  4 PagesDifferential Association theory by Edwin H. Sutherland states that criminal behavior is learned. Sutherland’s theory is essentially arguing that individuals that engage in criminal activity have learned to engage in criminal activity from association with others. Differential Association theory is broken down into nine propositions. The first proposition is that criminal behavior is learned (Sutherland, 2010). 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Literary Analysis of The Lottery by Shirley Jackson Free Essays

Although several themes exist in the Lottery, only a few remain significant. Mrs. Hutchinson, who apparently arrived just moments after 10 A. We will write a custom essay sample on Literary Analysis of The Lottery by Shirley Jackson or any similar topic only for you Order Now M. , ended up as the not so lucky person that received the black dot on her ticket. â€Å"Clean forgot what day it was†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. and then I looked out the window and the kids was gone, and then I remembered it was the twenty-seventh and came a-running† (Jackson 3). She simply forgot the special event that took place that day and did nothing wrong. Never in the story did Shirley Jackson hint that Mrs. Hutchinson reeked of evil; however, she was punished brutally for no just picking a slip of paper out of some old, black box. Anyone in this small town, even the children, have the same chance of becoming the one murder victim. â€Å"Nancy was twelve, and her school friends breathed heavily as she went forward switching her skirt, and took a slip daintily from the box† (5). This goes for America’s society where any random person can be jailed or accused of something they were wrongly accused for. Society punishes innocent citizens based on faulty accusations or just because they resemble an estranged serial killer. As soon as the news goes public, friends and even family members disown the â€Å"criminal† just like in the lottery where all of Mrs. Hutchinson’s friends turned on her. Mr. Summers, who interacted with Mrs. Hutchinson earlier, in a friendly manner, â€Å"†¦. and Mr. Summers, who had been waiting, said cheerfully. ‘Thought we were going to have to get on without you, Tessie† (2) completely turned on Mrs. Hutchinson by the end of the story â€Å"All right, folks. Let’s finish quickly. † Even Mrs. Hutchinson’s own family turned on her. â€Å"The children had stones already. And someone gave little Davy Hutchinson few pebbles† (6). To the whole population of the village, the lottery was a ritual that had became a huge aspect of the villagers lives and thought nothing of it. Just like American’s accept football as the countries favorite sport and Spainards accept bullfighting as a ritual, the villagers accepted the lottery. The author describes the black box, in which the slips rest in. The black box grew shabbier each year by now it was no longer completely black but splintered badly along one side to show the original wood color, and in some places faded or stained† (1). However, the villagers refused to accept change and kept the same black box because it was a ritual for as long as they recall. The line from the story â€Å"The people had done it so many times that they only have listened to the direc tions† (3), illustrates how the lottery really filled out the word â€Å"ritual†. The villagers claim the black box was made from pieces of an older black box from many years ago. Using stones and making family lists has been around for so long that they are part of a tradition, and no one ever wants to break a tradition. The actual lottery symbolizes irony. A lottery usually happens when a ticket is selected at random and whoever has the ticket receives a nice or in some cases, an extremely wonderful sum of money. In the Lottery, however, everyone dooms the day when they â€Å"win† this lottery because their own people murder them. Although not so obvious, foreshadowing is used in the Lottery by Shirley Jackson. At the beginning of the story, the seemingly innocent children play with stones â€Å"Bobby Martin had already stuffed his pockets full of stones, and the other boys soon followed his example, selecting the smoothes and roundest stones†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (1). Shirley Jackson presented the stones early in the story, but stones acted like a method of play until the end of the story where Mrs. Hutchinson was attacked by stones â€Å" ‘It isn’t fair’ she said. A stone hit her on the side of the head† (6). Shirley Jackson keeps the audience intrigued by dragging out the results of the lottery until the very end where the real use of the stones are mentioned. How to cite Literary Analysis of The Lottery by Shirley Jackson, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Project Management in Construction

Question: Discuss about the Project Management in Construction. Answer: During the first quarter of last year, I have associated myself with the construction project of a residential building in Sydney, Australia. The development of the residential building constitute of design and construction of eight storied building with 32 apartments for providing a green solution for naturally maintaining the temperature of the apartments. Apart from that, the construction project involved reducing the electricity consumption with the implementation of natural lighting sources and electricity-efficient lighting design with natural HVAC system. The stakeholders and shareholders of the project, involved with this particular project were concerned about the effective completion of the building while significantly reducing the temperature naturally. In addition to that, the construction of the building needed to follow the laws and legislation of Australia for providing safety and security of the people residing in the building. For the completion of this residential building, I was provided the responsibilities of maintaining the quality and timely completion of the construction project. During the development of the project, I have come across various barriers that have the potential to negatively impact the progress of the project. The project was aimed to complete within a time limit of 2 years. During the initial phase of the project, the lack of complexities in the designing has taken more time than allocated. For the timely completion of the project, I have done the revised scheduling and work breakdown structure of the project. I have further ensured the remaining events of the construction are completed according to the revised scheduling. I have regularly kept track of the construction. The socio-political risks in the construction project played a significant role in hindering the development of the building. I have found that the development of the valet parking area on the front of the building was restricted to the construction site. I have communicated with the senior stakeholders of the project and provided proper documentation to the legal authorities. After detailed communication session and permission, the land lease for the construction of the residential building along with the parking area was revised. The installation and development of the natural HVAC system within the residential building required the knowledge and skills of the architect, civil engineer and the employees. The initial employee lacks the skills for developing the HVAC system while maintaining the laws and legislation of Australia. I have advised the project manager for replacing the employees with skilled and experienced employee for the safe and effective installation of the HVAC system. The hiring of new employees for proving efficiency in the construction project has increased the budget of the project. I have discussed with the financial department and the project stakeholders while preparing a new budget plan for completing the construction of the residential building within new financial resources. In addition to that, in terms of ensuring the quality of the construction, I have reviewed and verified the planning and design of the residential building with the initial plan of the feasibility study. Therefore, with the continuous monitoring and reviewing, I have effectively managed the barriers involved in the project and at organizational levels. Bibliography Aliverdi, R., Naeni, L.M. and Salehipour, A., 2013. Monitoring project duration and cost in a construction project by applying statistical quality control charts. International Journal of Project Management, 31(3), pp.411-423. Alzahrani, J.I. and Emsley, M.W., 2013. The impact of contractors attributes on construction project success: A post construction evaluation. International Journal of Project Management, 31(2), pp.313-322. Kerzner, H.R., 2013. Project management: a systems approach to planning, scheduling, and controlling. John Wiley Sons. Walker, A., 2015. Project management in construction. John Wiley Sons.